* Decca(UK) SXL serial 2***
LPs; Introduction
Gallery of first released LPs and recording datas
Himahito's Decca
LXT series catalogue is the starting point of my work.
This marvelous site includes almost all of the
golden age of Decca label, both monaural and
stereo issues. I mailed him but unfortunately to
no avail.
- I did NOT add the
numbers after SXL 6000 because the most jackets
of the issued numbers can be seen in sxl-lp.com site and here.
- Special thanks to ;
Mr. KITAGAWA Himahito, and of course to the
owner of mikrokosmos.com who offered me the
hosting space.
- Any
suggestion and contribution of better images and
recording data will be welcomed and mentioned in
this page.
of numbers & jackets
Why I made a page about British Decca label
LP is famous as audiophile, to which I agree as the early
SXL serials recordings showed very good sounds even by
CDs. Its recordings in 1950~60 years are worth while to
being exemplary case that shows Decca's multi-microphone
recording technique was very sophisticated even from the
present view.
This is a
small tribute to Decca, a representative recording
company and recording itself. One more, I should appreciate Mr.
Arato Takahashi, who gave admission to me that can use
his LP gallery images kindly.
Stereo marks
first stereo emblem is triangle. 'DECCA STEREOPHONIC
SOUND' and FFSS(full
frequency stereophonic sound).

5 The first style in stereo era
The next logo is the triangle logo
in black rectangle. The first one is SXL 2024, and became
regular from SXL 2050.

5 The second style in stereo era
At the next era, thd Decca emblem became only DECCA
in black rectangle without the record number. This style
appeared at SXL 2141, and became regular after SXL

5 The third style in stereo era
titles have both emblems.
2. Jacket
The first style has only the first
triangle emblem normally at the right upside.
5 SXL 2003 |
5 SXL 2005 |
The second style has only the
triangle in the rectangle emblem normally at the right
5 SXL 2047 |
5 SXL 2078~80 |
cases shows both the emblems, later only rectangle emblem
both upside. And the top band of the jacket includes
'STEREO; ffss, SXL 2***; composer, work, the performers.
5 SXL 2196 |
5 SXL 2236 |
the next style, rectangle is only right upside.
5 SXL 2260 |
5 SXL 2298 |
the next design, 'ffss' at the right of 'STEREO'
5 SXL 2307 |
5 SXL 2313 |
At the last design, the top white
band width decreased. This style was used in SXL 6***
5 SXL 2305 |
5 SXL 2316 |
SXL 2316 is the last SXL 2***
issue. After this, SXL 6*** series began and LXT 6***
corresponds to the same number of SXL 6***. If you want
to see the cross-reference list between SXL and London CS
serials, go to this site.
The label style can be observed at
the recent 'Classic Recitals' series CD.
3 The
first label of the LP era has golden lettering
with orange background(image; from here). In general, this is called
'first orange gold', or simply 'EY1(English
yellow 1st)'. All of the first issues of the LXT
2501~ number have this label.
3 The
second label of the monaural era has silver
lettering with black background(image; from this link). See the '(2 sides) No.1'
at the left of the center hole. In general, this
is called 'second orange gold', or simply 'EY2(English
yellow 2nd)'. The highest number of this label is
LXT 5121.
3 The
third label at the monaural era has silver
lettering with orange background. In general,
this is called 'orange-silver', or simply 'EY3(English
yellow 3rd)'. All of the first issues of the LXT
5122~ number have this label. I guess this label
was introduced almost the time of the early stage
of the stereo recordings.
3 The
fourth label at the monaural era has silver
lettering with orange background(image; from this link). See the musical note logo
'D, E, C, C, A' at the left of the center hole,
same to that in ED1(stereo) pressing. In general,
this is called 'orange-silver', or simply 'EY4(English
yellow 3rd)'. The first and last issue of this
label is not clear. And the end of LXT serial
which was released with its SXL correspondent is
perhaps 6376.
3 The
first label at the stereo era has silver
lettering with black background, and has wide
silver band(1.2cm width) above the center hole.
In general, this is called 'first wide band(WB)',
or simply 'ED1(English Dark
1st)'. Note the 'Original Recording by~ ' in the
10 o'clock direction, 'Made in England' in the
6th o'clock direction, and groove on the label.
All of the first issues of the SXL 2*** number
have this label.
3 The second label has very
silimar to the first one. In general, this is
called 'second WB', or simply 'ED2(English
Dark 2nd)'. The highest number is SXL 6368. Note
the 'Made in England~ ' in the 10 o'clock
direction and groove on the label.
3 The
third label is called 'third WB', or simply 'ED3(English
Dark 3rd)'. Note the 'Made in England~ ' in the
10 o'clock direction and no groove on the label.
The first issue of SXL 6369~6448(except SXL 6355
and 6447) has this label.
3 The first label of so-called
'Narrow Band(NB)', or simply 'ED4(English
Dark 4th)'. The 'band' width decreased and
'DECCA' letter is in rectangle box. See the
musical note logo 'D, E, C, C, A' at the left of
the center hole.
3 The second Narrow Band(NB),
or simply 'ED5(English Dark
5th)'. See the musical note logo at the left of
the center hole disappear.
3 The third Narrow Band(NB), or
simply 'HD1(Holland Dark 1st)'.
British factory was closed and Decca LP was
pressed in Holland. The first number is SXL 6922.
See the musical note logo at the left of the
center hole.
3 The fourth Narrow Band(NB),
or simply 'HD2(Holland Dark
2nd)'. See the musical note logo at the left of
the center hole disappear.
- Images
- Recording data
- Allmusic
- Personal
homepages for artists
- Personal
Arato ; Many
high-resolution images
Himahito's Decca LXT
series catalogue ;
the starting point of my work.
(c) 2009~, Youngrok LEE ; Link free, but please get my approval
before you reuse, copy, or quote this materials.
Created ; 13th Jun. 2009
Last update ; 26th Jan. 2013