* Erato EFM/STE 10" &
LDE/STE serial 30**/50*** LPs; Introduction
Gallery of first released LPs and recording datas
- Any
suggestion and contribution of better images and
recording data will be welcomed and mentioned in
this page.
- Special thanks to ; Michael
H. Gray, and of course also thanks so much
to the owner of mikrokosmos.com who offered me the
hosting space.
of numbers & jackets
Why I made a page about French Erato label
Erato LPs are
pleasant to see by virtue of its elegant cover art.
Founded by Edition Costallat(publisher) on 1953 and named
Erato after a muse in Greek myth, it has retained the special
position during the French record labels while others
including Ducretet-Thomson, Les Discophiles Français,
Orphée, Critère, Valois, and BAM were merged or
defunct. The head producer Michel Garcin managed all the
classical sections and artists, including the world first
class artists such as Janos Starker, Jean-Pierre Rampal, Robert Veyron-Lacroix,
Paul Tortelier, André Navarra, Jean Martinon,
Jean-François Paillard, Lily Laskine, Maurice André, György Sebök, and
Marie-Claire Alain. As a legacy of main French artists, I
like Erato recordings.
Serials of the first issues
- DP ; earliest monaural issues,
12". I guess it has less than 20 titles.
- EFM ; 'Fiori musicali' series,
4****. 10" (probably correspondent to STE
- ELP ; 45 rpm(EP), *** numbers.
- LDEV ; 45 rpm with ***
numbers, and 10" with 2*** numbers.
- LDE ; monaural. 1*** for EP,
2*** for 10", and 3*** for 12". LDE
3063~3215 were partly issued as STE 50001~50115.
- STE ; stereo. 50001~50312 for
12", and 60*** for 10". After STE
50117, all of the STE issues have correspondent
monaural ones in LDE serial of which number is
"STE number = LDE number + 46900". For
example, STE 50117 = LDE 3217.
- STU ; stereo, maintained after
about 1968 for both new issues(no monaural
releases from then on) and reissue of STE
serials. 70001~70312 for STE reissue(STE 5**** =
STU 7****), and new issue after 70313.
- EJA & EJAS ; The early
time of the advent of the stereo LPs, Erato
issued a special luxurious series 'Jardin des
Arts(Garden of Arts)'. I saw 14 titles, but not
sure what the exact number of all the titles is
and whether all the titles were issued by both
the monaural (EJA serial) and stereo(EJAS
3 The
monaural label is green at the upper half
background where muse 'Erato' figure and 'ERATO'
letter is located, and has circular groove. In
many cases, this label has letters at the
perimeter. In general, this is called 'FG1(French
green 1st)'.
3 The
second monaural label is nearly same to FG1, but
has no circular groove and letters at the
perimeter. In general, this is called 'FG2(French
green 2nd)'. (image from
3 The
third monaural label is nearly same to the FG1,
but has no circular groove or groove nearer
center hole. In general, this is called 'FG3(French
green 3rd)'. This LDE 3006 issue let us know the
early contract between Erato and the Haydn
society in Boston.
3 The
first label at the stereo era has pink background
at the upper side, pink letters at the perimeter,
and deep groove. In general, this is called
simply 'FP1(French Pink 1st)'.
This is scarce to see.
3 The second stereo label has
very silimar to the first one, but without
groove. In general, this is called simply 'FP2(French
Pink 2nd)'.
3 The
third stereo label is called simply 'FP3(French
Pink 3rd)'. Note the 'ERATO' letter is moved on
the muse figure, and thick black border line
around the pink background.
3 The fourth stereo label is
similar to FP3, but upper background color is
blue. This is called simply 'FB1(French
Blue 1st)'. Note 'Gravure universelle(RIAA
curve)' right of the center hole.
3 The fifth stereo label,
called simply 'FB2(French Blue
2nd)', has no muse figure. Note the small step
around the label border.
3 The sixth stereo label,
called simply 'FB3(French Blue
3rd)', has no muse figure, either. Note the small
step around the label border disappeared.
3 The seventh stereo label,
called simly 'FD1(French dark
1st)', has totally black color design.
3 The green label was used
again for the latest time of LP era.
3 Green label(FG4)
is used for monaural issues of EJA serials and
pink for stereo.
3 'Jardin des Arts(Garden of
Arts)' serial label, used for stereo issue(EJAS
serial). Pink label(FP4).
3 10" 'Fiori
Musicali(musical flower)' serial label, used for
monaural issues(EFM serial). Green label.
3 10" 'Fiori
Musicali(musical flower)' serial label, used for
stereo issues(STE serial). Pink label.
- Images
- Recording data
- Allmusic
- Personal
homepages for artists
- Personal
(c) 2010~, Youngrok LEE ; Link free, but please get my approval
before you reuse, copy, or quote this materials.
Created ; 20th Oct. 2010
Last update ; 11th Nov. 2012