* RECORDS with ERROR ; Items
4. Schubert
1) Symphony
No.8 in b minor D.759, "Unfinished"(+Weber,
- Wilhelm Furtwängler/Vienna Philharmonic
- Recording ; Jan. 1950, Wien
- EMI CHS 5 66770 2(3CDs)
 (75kb) ; Beginning of 2nd movement in
this album
This recording of 'Unfinished' was referred
at the
page of HS-2088, compared
to international version and HS-2088 reissue. EMI
International stopped releasing this recording by single
album, reissuing as 3-CD set in 1998. I think this item
is very good to many fans of Furtwängler's because it includes many works unreleased previously,
but 'Unfinished' contains very large problems(Mozart's
Symphony No.40 has some 'erratic starting' problems like Curzon's
Brahms intermezzo, but
let's concentrate on Schubert).
the table below. The playing
times of three versions are all different. Especially,
the playing time of 1st movement is longest in 3-CD set,
and the
difference is about 20 seconds compared to old version by
EMI International(apparent time
written in notes is 11:37, but real playing time except
blank 11:31). Which one shows the genuine tempo by Furtwängler?
Perplexing listeners.
Moreover, there is a much more serious
problem in 2nd movement. To my surprise, the playing time in this set
is considerably shorter than others because about
4 minutes from beginning is cut. Too big mistake to overlook, and it's
impossible to explain this. Reissue producer Andrew
Walter has been credible in his job, but this case has
gone too far.
want to say to EMI ; Recall this item right now.
[ Left image ] first single
CD by EMI International(deleted from catalog) [
Table ] Compare the playing times of
three versions.
Movement |
1st |
2nd |
version(old single) |
11:13 |
11:50 |
version(new set) |
11:31 |
8:07 |
HS-2088 |
11:21 |
12:00 |
After writing this article >
KATO Yukihiro, a Japanese
music fan, mailed to me ;
It was the same when this CD(CHS 5
66770 2) was put on the market in Japan first. But,
it became collection soon because it was a rejected
article. After
a short time, the CD which a problem won't be in next
time was sold. An error
is not in the CD which I have. Incidentally, the performance time
of this movement is 11 minutes 38 seconds.
It may be able to be distinguished in
central matrix number of the CD. Isn't the CD which
you have "1." ?
1. error CD : EMI
UDEN 5667722 @ 1
2. no error CD (I have) : EMI UDEN 5667722
@ 2
My CD is the former version( @ 1). Then,
his letter means EMI recalled and corrected the error of
this item in other countries(but not in Korea yet!).
I guess there should be problems at this set in spite of
this recall. First is the problem of Mozart Symphony
No.40(incorrect start), and second the proportion of
playing time between the two movements of the
'Unfinished'. If only the playing times of the old and
new international versions are compared, that of the
first movement of the former is shorter by 18 second. But
in case of the second movement, it is longer by 12
second. It is irrational; if it stems from the
original tape or 78-master speed, the playing time of the
second movement should be shorter than the newer
Anyway, this CD is too strange to
consider it normal whether corrected or not now. If you
want to buy it in spite of these facts, please ascertain
the playing time of the second movement of the Unfinished
Symphony is 11 minutes 38 seconds before you pay. Don't
you want to find the lost 4 minutes?
2) Piano
Quintet in A major, D.667 "Trout"
- Paul
Badura-Skoda(p)/Members of Vienna Konzerthaus SQ,
Badura-Skoda(p)/Members of Barylli SQ and Rühm(cb)
- Recording ; 1950(with Konzerthaus, monaural) &
1958(with Barylli, stereo), Wien
- Westminster-MCA MVCW-19001(Japanese)
- Contribution
; The Classical Music, No.3(Nov. 1996)
This CD is interesting in
the point that it includes 2 'Trout' recording of
Badura-Skoda. Soft touch is impressive and sound quality
is good considering the year of recording, but this CD
has some unpleasant missediting errors.
In the 1st movement of monaural
recording(Sector 1), 4th quaver is cut in the 29th
bar(next score), playing time about 50th second. Moreover in the same sector
at 3:43(135th bar), it's easy to hear piano enter late
about a half beat(it's not necessary to see score so as
to know it). There are no
errors in the repeat of exposition, so you will compare
them. (hear this realaudio file ; trout-2.rm, 46kb)
Then, how about
the stereo recording in 5~10th sector with Barylli SQ?
There was no big problem like monaural, but quite a big noise at playing
time 1:52 of 3rd movement(111th bar). Was this missediting also?
This CD is very much individual(?) in
the point of its error even except coupling.
 (60kb) |
5 1st
movement, bars 26~29
3) Arpeggione
Sonata in a minor, D.821(+Beethoven; Cello Sonata
No.3, etc.)
- Emanuel
Feuermann(vc.), Gerald Moore(p)
- Recording ; June 1937, London
CDH 7 64250 2
 Emanuel Feuermann(1902~42) was called
"greater cellist than Casals", but died of
peritonitis too early. His heritages on 78s are including
Haydn's D major concerto, in which some are released by
EMI, RCA, and Biddulph, but I think his posthumous fame
by record seemed to be much shadowed by Casals. His Arpeggione
sonata is proud of his ability 'like a virtuoso
violinist', but this CD by EMI International has two
strange things when compared to LP by EMI France,
Références 2C 051-43372(Right Image).
This CD sounds larger
surface noise than LP(about... more than 2 times). Well-transferred CDs recorded in late 1930s
have considerably smaller surface noises than this CD(e.g. Edwin
Fischer's Fantasy
and Fugue in a minor BWV.904 recorded in 1937 in
Abbey Road, EMI CDH 7 64928 2, 11th sector. This transfer
has seldom surface noises), but it made the difference
whether using noise filtering, so I think it cannot be
considered as real defect. The real problem is at 3:25 in
1st movement, 101th bar. The music in CD is played as the F chord at
the same position to mf(see score below) starts again after about 3 second

1st movement, bars 99~101.There is an mf in 101th
Absurd rest is similar to the Brahms'
piano quartet No.1 CD by Serkin and Busch quartet(also in 1st movement), but in this case
there is no pitch drop(^^). The error is perhaps at the
end of the 1st 78s side, so the missediting problem is
sure to be made in producing CD because there is no
problem in LP.
(c) 1997~ , Youngrok LEE ; Link free, but please get my approval
before you reuse, copy, or quote this materials.
Created ; 26th Dec. 1999
Last Update ; 5th Jan. 2004